Blog Post

Simplify IT Directors

Simplify IT Solutions Ltd • May 20, 2019

New Roles & New Direction

It is with great pleasure we can confirm that Lee Rogers has been appointed as Managing Director of Simplify IT Solutions Ltd, Lee is a founding member of the company back when it started in 2012. Over the past 7 years Lee has managed the salesteam in his role as Sales Director.

Here's what Lee had to say:

“The team we have at Simplify IT is the best we have ever had in the history of the company,
this has been displayed in our financial results and company feedback. As we continue to transition to increase our support offering and cloud based services the business continues its double digit growth.

It is also with great pleasure that I can announce after 6 years of hard work and constant effort Dave McCarthy has been rewarded with a role on the Board of Directors and as Chief Technical Officer at Simplify IT.

I am extremely proud of all the team has achieved this year and this has shown the internal promotion of 4 members in recognition of their effort and talent. The company has invested in technology and a new web site that launched on the 20 May 2019. Over the next two months Simplify IT will add additional products and services to a new self-service portal"

The Simplify IT team would like to wish Lee and Dave the best of luck in their new roles and look forward to another fantastic year.

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