Blog Post

Is your password secure?

Simplify IT Solutions Ltd • 13 January 2020

The average user has more than 20 passwords

The average user has more than 20 passwords.

Typically, we use combinations of the same passwords as we're unable to remember so many.

On a daily basis data is being stolen and passwords are an easy target that can be used to gain access to other accounts using the same or similar passwords.

You can check how secure your accounts are at:
If you have been using your email account for a long time, it is likely you will have a breach or two, but how can this be prevented in the future?

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) ensures that even if a password is breached without the second authentication device it is impossible to gain access to applications. As hard as the hacker tries the breach of a single password does not gain access to systems.

2. Using logic we can work out if a web site is a known bad site, or if it is simulating similar web site. Using Cisco Umbrella service we can use artificial intelligence to determine when the web site/domain was created, if it is listed on a blacklist and if it contained malicious content then Umbrella will make the decision to block access before any damage is caused.

Security works best when built in layers, by deploying two factor authentication, and Cisco umbrella to prevent access to dangerous sites then 95% of security breaches can be prevented with zero user training.

Want to know more? Why not join our security demo on the 16th January 2020

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