Automatic upgrades
Once you’re on Office 365, you’ll never have to upgrade again. Updates are automatic and unobtrusive, helping keep your organisation safe and productive with the most up-to-date versions of Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, Access, Skype for Business,
and more for your PC.
Stay in the know
Get real-time availability, status, photos and location information with enhanced instant messaging to connect efficiently and effectively. Make voice calls through your computer to other users inside or outside your organisation using Skype for Business or Skype.
Work on the latest version
All your files are automatically saved online, even the ones on your PC, so it’s easy to access, edit, and share your latest version on the go. With built in Automatic Versioning, you can keep track of changes and even revert to an earlier version.
Office 365 offers robust, built-in security features that empower organisations.
No Data Mining
Office 365 does not build advertising products out of customer data. We don’t scan your email or documents for building analytics, data mining, or advertising, or to improve the service.
Your data belongs to you
Office 365 customers know where major Office 365 data centers are located, who can access that data, and under what circumstances that data can be accessed.
Independently verified
Microsoft Office 365 is compliant with world-class industry standards, including ISO 27001, EU Model clauses, HIPAA BAA, and FISMA, and it is verified by third-party auditors.
Out of the office? No problem. Office 365 is designed to help you stay productive from any location, on any device. In short, your files, info, settings and applications aren’t stuck on any single PC or device; instead they’re stored in the cloud and available to access from all of your devices, even if you’re offline.
Work together across teams and across the globe. Instead of lots of people creating multiple versions in different places, everyone can work on the same documents even at the same time.
Collaborate in Real Time
With rich, real-time co-authoring you and your team mates can work on important files at the same time and track the changes being made. For even more effective online working sessions, start an HD Video Call with other contributors using Skype for Business, right from within your document.
Find what you need
Now you can search for information at work just as easily as you do on the internet. With Office 365, all your organisation’s documents are securely stored in the cloud so you can quickly find what you need across sites, notes, documents, videos, people, or conversations. Don’t worry about coming up with the perfect keywords; pinpoint exactly what you need.
Stay on track, deliver on time
Office 365 can make your life easier by helping you organise teamwork around common milestones. Assign people tasks that can be tracked and prioritised, while you keep an eye on important details with a real-time project summaries and alerts.
Office 365 provides peace of mind that the services you need are available and secure at all times.
Office 365's market leading 99.9% uptime guarantee is financially backed, letting you focus your IT resources on more important projects.
Additionally, because Office 365 is always on, it can be set up and deployed companywide in minutes, with your users taking control of their own preferences.
Part of Simplify Technology Group Ltd